Program Code: 015-305-16

Multicare Health System: Quality Urine Samples and Clinical, Process and Fiscal Outcomes

Jeanette Harris, MS, MSM, BS, MT(ASCP), CIC

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Forgot your password? Enter your email address, and then click here to have your password emailed to you.

After successfully completing the application process, you will be provided with an opportunity to generate a P.A.C.E.® certificate for attending this program. Follow the instructions provided during each phase of the application process.
First Name *
Last Name *
Institution / Workplace *
Job Title *
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Email Address *
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Are you licensed in Florida? If "Yes" please enter your Florida license number in the next field. (Required for Florida Credit)
Florida License Number:

By completing this form, I attest that I participated in the full instructional time for this program. *
Yes, I have read and agree.

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